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KELO-COTE® Spray, is an advanced formula, self-drying silicone spray for the management and prevention of excessive scars and is great for sensitive scars such as burns.


KELO-COTE Spray eliminates the need to touch wound, and thus is especially suitable for use over large and sensitive wounds, such as those from burns and/or trauma. It is also helpful for hard-to-reach areas, hairy areas, skin creases and joints.


Clinically proven in over 10 documented studies to soften and flatten raised scars as well as reducing discolouration and redness, KELO-COTE® can be used to treat existing scars or to help prevent new scars from forming, if used as soon as the wound is closed or stitches are removed.


KELO-COTE® is effective on a range of scars including:

  • Surgical Scars
  • C-section Scars
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Burn Scars
  • Children's Scars

Treating the scar with KELO‐COTE® helps to create an optimal environment by regulating moisture levels and collagen production in the skin. KELO‐COTE®’s advanced Silliclear complex is a blend of silicones that cross‐link and bond to your skin, drying within minutes, providing 24 hours of protection and treatment. This flexible, breathable layer helps the scar achieve a flatter, softer and less noticeable appearance.


KELO-COTE® is most effective on new scars and immature scars up to 2 years old. It’s recommended to continue the treatment for 60 to 90 days to see the best results. However, if you continue to see improvement at the end of this period then it may be beneficial to continue treatment.



    Polysiloxanes, Silicon Dioxide



    Kelo-Cote Spray 100mL / Kelocote / Kelo Cote


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